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Stephan Manfré
Burgtrottenweg 1a
8442 Hettlingen

+41 78 627 72 45

Bank Account

Thurgauer Kantonalbank
rStephan Manfré u/o Thomas Raz

IBAN: CH70 0078 4297 2940 0200 1


Authorized Representatives

Stephan Manfré
Thomas Raz


DramCatcher is not yet subject to VAT.

Liability Disclaimer

To the fullest extent permitted by law, any and all liability and other responsibility of DramCatcher and/or any of its authorized representatives for any and all material or immaterial damages and/or losses resulting (i) from the access and/or use, respectively the non-use, of any information on this website, (ii) from the misuse of the connection, (iii) from any technical interference or disruption, or (iv) from any other cause is fully excluded.

Any and all offers on this website are of a non-binding nature. DramCatcher and the authorized representatives fully reserve the right to change, amend and/or delete part of or the entire content of the website (including prices of products), and/or to suspend any publication on the website temporarily or permanently, at any time and without prior notice

DramCatcher and its authorized representatives cannot and do not guarantee nor otherwise warrant the accuracy or validity of, the up-to-datedness, the reliability and/or the completeness of any information on the website and/or the related online shop.

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Any and all direct or indirect references or links to third-party websites are outside of DramCatcher's and its authorized representatives' control. Any and all liability and other responsibility of DramCatcher and/or any of its authorized representatives with respect to such websites and/or their content is fully excluded. Access to, and use of, such websites are on the user's sole risk. Solely the operators and administrators of such websites are responsible for such websites' content. Such websites may be subject to copyrights.

DramCatcher hereby explicitly confirms that it was not aware of any illegal content on any referred to or linked third-party websites at the time the reference or link was placed on this website. DramCatcher has no influence on nor control over the current or future design, content and authorship of any of the linked or referred to websites. DramCatcher hereby explicitly dissociates itself from any and all contents of any linked or referred to websites that were amended following the placement of the link or reference.

The foregoing does not only apply to any references and links placed on DramCatcher's own website content, but also applies to any third-party contributions in guest books, discussion forums, link indexes, mailing lists and any other forms of databases the content of which may be created, amended, or deleted by third-parties.


Except for any specifically mentioned third-party rights, any and all copyright and other rights related to the website, the related online shop, as well as any and all contents, designs, pictures and other data on the website are exclusively owned and held by DramCatcher, respectively by the authorized representatives collectively. DramCatcher grants anyone the right to copy the textual information fully or partially for private use. However, there is no right whatsoever to use any data of this website for commercial purposes or to publish or otherwise disseminate any such date in an amended form.

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